Upload Artwork

Our online secure file transfer (SFTP) system ensures minimal effort is required when uploading your artwork to the CMP website.

Existing clients: click here to upload artwork to CMP.

Are you a first time user?... Please speak to us to obtain password and login details.

If you run into any difficulties please get in touch with one of our team and we will gladly talk you through the process - just call us on 01202 739993.

Alternatively your may choose to send your files to us by any of the following methods:

Small files: If your artwork file are less than 10MB in size (total), we would recommend you send these via email to - .

Larger files: You can try one of these free, web-based file transfer options: www.mailbigfile.com | www.wetransfer.com.

Type of files: Submit two separate files as a print ready PDF please, one for the cover with all fonts and images embedded, and a 3mm bleed allowance. We can supply you with a cover laydown guide to make this accurate (please request this from your account handler).

The inner file as a PDF again in single page order from page 1 to the back of the book, with all fonts and any images embedded. Please ensure the file is set to the finished trimmed size of the book i.e.: If you want a ‘B’ format book then the file page size should be set to 197x134mm.

"The books are fabulous. Thank you so much."


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