Take Control With Print On Demand

The way in which books are being printed is rapidly changing and this is a very good thing for both commercial publishers and aspiring authors.  From a self publishing standpoint, modern technology is handing power back to the author and allowing writers to put their book in front of the world with very little start up cost.  On the other side of the fence, commercial publishers can choose to print on demand (POD) to avoid excess inventory and keep the slower moving backlist in print - particularly exciting for smaller enterprises who in the past would have been crippled by bulk upfront printing and storage costs.  Happily, many benefits of printing on demand can be enjoyed by both self and commercial publishers making it the perfect digital alternative to traditional printing methods.

So how does it all work? Well, quite simply – a short run digital book printer such as CMP will print books directly from a print ready PDF file allowing customers to print only what is required, when it is required. This could be as little as a single copy.  This method of printing using digital technology requires very little upfront investment meaning that self publishers can release their work without the headache of using life time savings to print in bulk.  POD offers commercial publishers the opportunity to test the market before committing to a larger, more expensive print run - thus avoiding the financial burden of dead stock should a title not sell as anticipated.  

From an environmental point of view, printing on demand has many benefits which can make a small, but meaningful difference. By eradicating larger print runs, there is no need to transport in bulk from the printers to a storage facility.  As a result, harmful emissions and fuel consumption can be reduced. Further more, by printing only what is required, there is far less need to dispose of unsold books. 

The machines that are used for POD are evolving all the time meaning that the quality of end product is no different from that produced by traditional methods. Couple this with the fact that print on demand offers publishers lightning fast turnaround and it is obvious why this method of digital print is revolutionising the world of publishing. Nothing in life rarely stands still and as a result, there will sometimes be the need to update a manuscript. With POD, this can be effortlessly achieved as every copy is printed individually. This hands total control to a self publisher who may wish to customise single manuscripts or make annual updates.

It’s clear to see why so many publishers are choosing to print on demand and save both time and money. In what traditionally has been an expensive and frustratingly unpredictable industry, POD is handing back control to those who deserve it the most. Perhaps the most exciting outcome of all is that more and more books that may otherwise have never made it from concept to reality will now be lining our shelves for future generations.
If you would like to know more about book printing or any of our services then please contact us today or call our expert team on 01202 739993.

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