5 Things Every Self Publisher Should Know

There are a surprising number of people who believe that they have a book in them.

What’s more surprising is that only a tiny percentage of these aspiring scribes ever get round to putting pen to paper – or finger to keyboard! 

Whether motivation comes from a yearning for fame and fortune or simply an opportunity to establish personal significance, every writer will undoubtedly go through a series of emotions as they navigate the highs and lows of writing a book. However – for many, the most perilous part of the journey is yet to come. The unveiling of the literary masterpiece to the world. The route to market. And hopefully, the first step towards literary greatness!

Thinking of self publishing? Here’s a few interesting pointers that we hope will help you along the way.


1) Even best selling authors are choosing to self publish these days due to modern e-book and print on demand technology. 


Why so? Well, for the simple reason that authors want more control over their publishing journey and to get to market more quickly. With an ever-increasing number of self-publishing success stories out there it’s easy to see why.  So let go of any guilt that you may have. Self publishing is no longer the shameful path trod by those who couldn’t break through the traditional publishing barrier. 


2) Invest in a good cover and artwork.


It’s the first thing a reader will see. Your first “sales pitch.” An opportunity to get ahead of the competition before the first page is even turned. Make the best use of colour to convey the mood of your book and be sure to go for a high quality finish. After all, this could be one of the deciding factors in whether or not your precious book is a success or not. Scrimp here and live to regret it.


3) Don’t edit as you go.


This is of huge importance. Many self publishers fall into the trap of taking stock after each chapter and returning to their work with a critical, editing eye. By doing this you will invariably lose the natural flow of your writing and make the whole process too stilted. Once you start to write just keep on going until your first draft is complete. It is at this point that you can return to chapter one and begin to make changes where necessary. But wait at least a week before you do so, because then you will hopefully return with more of a reader’s eye than purely as an editor.


4) Format your work.


 You will never regret time spent here as no reader will relish a messy manuscript. Be sure to select a readable font and as a golden rule, avoid the tab key like the plague as this will create a paragraph indent that is far larger than necessary, especially for fiction. Instead, if using Microsoft word – customise the paragraph settings to automatically create indentations for the first line in each paragraph. For non- fiction work it is much better to opt for block paragraphs where a horizontal line of white space is simply left beneath each paragraph. Other things to consider include the appropriate use of quotation marks, hyphens and apostrophes, all of which - when used correctly - work together to give your manuscript a more professional appearance.


5) Go that extra mile to get your book read.


If you are planning on making some money from your book rather than just distributing it to friend and family then do everything you can to market it correctly! The savvy self publisher will choose to register their book with the Library of Congress and also purchase an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) for their title. If you are planning on selling your book online or at a retailer then this 13 digit number will be a unique identifier and its reference for cataloguing, stock control and so on. Order yours here.


There is also the power of social media to harness when it comes to promoting yourself online, as well as Amazon market place and of course, your very own Website should you plan to really make a go of things!


At CMP we strive to be of value to our customers which is why we offer a number of tools to educate self publishers about the printing process. However, if you find yourself truly stumped by certain terminology or have an important decision to make regarding formatting, finishing or your cover – simply pick up the phone can call us on 01202 739993 and we will be delighted to help!

Alternatively - get a book print quote today and let's get this journey started!

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