Digital Print Firm gain membership to a certified FSC group scheme

n January 2010 CMP (uk) Limited became successful in gaining membership of a certified FSC group chain of custody scheme. (CU-COC-807273).

Chain of custody certification provides independent evidence that forest products originate from well-managed forests. By obtaining Chain of Custody certification CMP can demonstrate its commitment economically, environmentally and socially responsible forestry.

The FSC assessment by The Process Group has taken around four months to complete, and owner Paul Dawe believes that achieving the membership is an important step for the business as part of its ongoing commitment to becoming more environmentally responsible, as well as addressing the increasing customer demand for ‘green’ paper stocks.

Managing Director and owner of CMP UK Paul Dawe comments: “The membership to this group scheme allows us to do business knowing that we are satisfying the ethical demands of our customers, whilst proving our own dedication to becoming more environmentally responsible.

“It is fantastic to be associated with such a respected organisation as the Forest Stewardship Council and to support the work it does to promote the responsible management of the world’s forests.”

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"Again, thank you and all at CMP for the tremendous quality of your work, your professionalism and your friendly, helpful approach to your customers."


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